Webflow For Internal Marketing Teams: Collaboration And Efficiency

April 19, 2023

It’s no secret that behind every successful startup is an overwhelmed marketing team coupled with a product development team that is shipping product updates as quickly as possible all while the customer success team is trying to retain their customers as easily as possible.

Sounds like a lot right?

This is the story that’s all too common for the typical startup in 2023.

Everyone on the team is stressed, working long hours, and grinding life out in the office (or their home office) and the last thing they want is for their team’s website to be another headache.

For many startups, the website update process looks like this:

  1. The marketing team has an idea for a new campaign or angle that they want to push in the next 30-90 days.
  2. The marketing team sends the brief over to the design team.
  3. The design team goes through a couple interactions to make sure that it fits the marketing team’s needs.
  4. The marketing team then sends the design over to the development team.
  5. The development team pauses their sprint to bust out the marketing team’s project, putting their product shipping date out.
  6. The marketing team approves and publishes the campaign at the last second.
  7. Everyone celebrates.

Now let’s take a deeper look at this process.

Although the campaign was launched, to make a simple website update, this startup needed to involve multiple people across multiple teams.

Imagine how expensive that was just in billable hours, not to mention lost time on each team’s projects.

Now a simple website update became a massive expense. And this is only one little project! There are hundreds of projects that startup teams want to release but either don’t have time or budget for.

Now let’s look into Webflow and why more startups are migrating to Webflow for their marketing websites.

Faster and cheaper landing page publishing

Although the initial design of the marketing site might need a little input from your design team, once the foundational structure is built, the ongoing campaigns and updates become a lot more seamless and typically don’t need to leave the marketing department at all.

Thanks to Weblow’s robust class naming system, CMS, and component creation process, making new landing pages that are on-brand and in perfect sync with the rest of the site just became a whole lot easier.

By using a consistent design system like the popular Client-First system, we can ensure that all of our structure elements are consistently sized and spaced.

Everything from headings and buttons to element spacing to max page widths can remain constant so as long as your team diligently uses the class naming system, your pages will match up seamlessly.

To make ongoing updates even faster, Webflow also allows you to duplicate and modify existing elements which means that you can quickly take sections from an existing page to build a new page.

Combining this feature with the standardized components, class naming, and CMS and you’ll have a powerhouse site that your marketing team can easily manage and update without having to involve multiple departments!

Multi-team collaboration

With the introduction of the Webflow Workspace platform in 2022, Webflow has made it easier than ever to include your entire marketing team on your website without having to share passwords.

Plus, you can also invite freelancers or agencies into your workspace to help as well!

Now if you want to step up your team’s collaboration, look no further than Webflow Enterprise.

With Webflow enterprise you’ll get access to a whole suite of collaboration tools that make Webflow a powerhouse for your internal team. A few of the key features include:

  1. Working in parallel with page branching. This gives your team the ability to work on the site at the same time without issues!
  2. Safeguard your design system. Wth advanced permissions, you can make sure that your core classes can only be edited by approved team members
  3. Real time changelog. Now you can see exactly what changes were made, when they were made, and how they made them

Even without the Webflow Enterprise plan, you can bring your entire marketing team into Webflow so that no matter what needs to be done, your team has the access they need to get your website updates published as quickly as possible.

No-code + code = magic

Webflow itself is marketed as a “no-code” platform that even your grandma can work with. However, to make the most out of Webflow, it’s best to think of it as more of a “low-code” platform.

Typically, Webflow acts as the branded marketing website for businesses. For many tech startups, Webflow would link to a demo scheduler or a subdomain with the web application that the company is offering.

For other companies, Webflow’s ability to have total control over custom code is crucial for blurring the lines between a pure marketing site and a function packed web application that can become an operational powerhouse for your company.

Not only can custom code extend the design capabilities of Webflow but it can also push your website’s functionality to the next level.

Overall, Webflow is putting the website back into the marketing department’s control while saving tens of thousands of dollars per month in engineering teams costs.

In reality, your startup’s website is really an asset for the marketing team to use to attract and retain customers, so it makes sense that your marketing team should be able to use it to the fullest extent!

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